Thursday, January 16, 2014

Only This (unfinished)

Only this is your temple,
for it is your home,
and it is endless.

Only this gives you rest,
for it never sleeps,
and it sings a lyric,
you dreamed you'd forgotten.

Only this knows you are guiltless,
and its faith in you,
is your faith in it.

Only this knows,
no one real has ever been harmed,
for it created only you.

Only this answers all your questions,
heals the healer,
knows the depth and color,
of your innocence.

Only this knows,
your strength lives in your gentleness,
inherit the earth.

Only this washes the feet of the world,
for it knows the name of each grain of sand.
Only this knows you receive as you give,
for creating and being are the same.

Only this looks with perfect sight,
and knows the sight is yours.
Only this is with you always,
as it attends your waking.

Only this knows why the mountain moves,
when you tell it to move;
it was never there.

Only this tells the sparrow,
where the water is,
on the high desert.

Only this knows why you believe,
that physical equals real.

Only this knows,
love is unable to ask for anything.

Only this knows the unmoving mountain,
equals faith misplaced,
rather than no faith.
Only this teaches what faith is,
that never can you not use it.

Only this knows regardless how real it seemed,
a dream is a dream.
Only this knows,
you awoke long ago in your terms of time.

Only this exists,
but you still equate One,
with limit.

Only this is unlimited,
and so you are unlimited,
extending forever,
in a state of grace.

Only this teaches,
you are every living thing.

Only this,
has kept the beauty,
all the good from your past,
let the rest return to nothing.

Only this can you sense,
even through your raging.
You keep before tired eyes,
an old memory long removed.

In a shining circle,
only this keeps your treasures.
All your creations,
every one.

Only this looks on everything,
as the same.
because it is the same;
it is your will.

Only this,
Wholly unlike anything you knew.

Only this is all that is,
remembers all you never forgot.
Because in the holy rays,
only this knows you never forgot.

Awake then,
and remember.
You will know only this;
for how could you forget,
everything you are?

Recall it in the wind you made,
then forgot from where it came.
Hear it in the lyric you wrote,
then threw away.

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