Monday, February 4, 2013

One Voice

If only some answer, a manifest delivery from dreams of terror; if only something greater than this little creature that I dream I am; something that is only love, only peace. If only...wait...what's this I see? I hear something, but not with my ears. Trade nothing for My Love, only give up your dream that you are a separate and separated self. Father, Great Spirit, Creator of all there is, I leave aside the ego to seek Your Word. I seek You within, having cleared my mind, so I can receive Your message. Calm and expectant, I await Your Teaching.

My holy Son! Yes, you are holy, because you are My Son. All creation is My Son. As you begin this writing, you tell yourself that you will, as an exercise, write down what you believe I would say to you, based on all you have read and studied and prayed, over the years. Days ago, in your terms of time, I inspired (inspirited) these words to you: Trade nothing for My Love, only give up your dream that you are a separate and separated self. You have read that everything you see around you, all the trinkets you treasure, as well as the things you would judge unpleasant; that all this is nothing. This you believe. You believed it as a small child, long before you learned to read. But now you begin to realize that you have long whispered to yourself these words: "Except for my body. My body is forever real to me." But do not despair, My Son. The exception you made for your body, you made in secret. You hid it away, kept it from your human sight, with your human intellect. You fear that losing your body means losing yourself. Beloved, you can never lose yourself! When I say trade nothing for My Love, and then I say everything you see is nothing, it means you cannot trade for My Love. My Love is all there is. So trade everything you see. Your body is an image that you made, and that you maintain. Images cannot see. This is the same principle as "God is in everything I see." The instant reaction of your human intellect is, "God is in war, a headache...?" But if I am in everything you see, and everything you see is nothing, and I am All That Is, then everything you see is Me! Thus, nothing, no one, suffers.

Everything that I create is part of Me. Would I deliberately cause Myself to suffer? Would you deliberately lay your hand on a table and with a hammer, strike your own fingers? Your human intellect invented the concept of suffering, as a way to hide from Me. But you cannot hide from Me, because I AM you! For clearly, If I am All That Is, and you are My holy Son, you must be part of Me. I Am God the Father, you are God the Son. This idea must dominate everything you think, say, and do. It truly IS everything you say think and do, but you (humanity) have hidden this Divine Truth away from your holy Sight. Awake, and return to Me! Return to your Self! My Beloved, come to your rightful Place, the Place you could never leave, only dreamed it so. Be still...and know...I AM God.

In this stillness you can feel the freedom of your mind. What you call light is your symbol for Mind. It is My Mind, but your present use of it is highly deluded. It had to be, in order for you to invent this small self, place it in a body, and make it work. This is your dream. Everything in your dream stands for something else: light for Mind, water for Spirit, body for Self. Countless pieces of you, My holy Son. The world is makeshift, but you do not allow this truth to come into conscious awareness. To do so would mean the end of all you have made and so cherish. You believe it would be the end of you! But fear not, and be glad, for it is only the end of dreams. You have found it far easier to react to what you see with love rather than in fear. You (humanity) have forgotten that you invented the world, that you make it up as you seem to go along. You make it up, forget you made it up, then you react to it as if it were outside you, coming at you. My Son, the world is not coming at you, it is coming from you! You must learn there is nothing outside of you. Everything is in your mind. You are the dreamer.

Watch your thoughts, but do not fear them. For your thoughts are the tools you use to build your small self up, or to choose to acknowledge your Self. Is there anymore question in your mind that you are doing this? What is left, then? Against what are you defending yourself? Be glad there is nothing to defend, for there is nothing to fight. Accept that with your thinking you affect others, and the world. You have witnessed My Action on earth. Your faith in Me has been rewarded.

You are not set free because you know nothing, you are set free because you recognize you know nothing. Let peace guide you. You need not call to it, it happens on its own. Do you plead for your hand to move as you write the words? Let love guide you. Peace and love are the same.

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Inner World

What I say to you, and what I say about you, must be the same. When we think, we see those thoughts as the inner world. We are convinced that this inner world of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, is different, separate, from the outer world. They are the same. The outer is a projection of the inner. That is why my thoughts and words regarding you, regarding anyone or anything, must be the same. The inner and outer worlds must be reconciled.

The outer world reflects our thoughts, and that is all. Of itself it does nothing. The world that I see, I invented; the world you see, you invented. There is active resistance to this idea, but what we are actually fighting is ourselves,our Self, our true Nature.

This is what the world is, individually, and as a whole. When I look at you, I see not you, but my perception of you. It follows that when you look at me, you are seeing your perception of me. Even as I type these words, I feel the resistance. It is the part of mind that seems to speak as if it were a critic: "Did you forget your keys? you eat now or later? You're so are beautiful, except for that mole..." But there is something else, another voice, another see, words are not adequate. The longer I write, the more I sense it (I no longer fear the word "it"), and the more I sense it, the stronger I become.