Monday, February 15, 2010

I Choose Sight

Our thoughts, or what we call our thoughts, appear as images; we call these images "the world". I see my own version of the world, and you see yours. We both agree telepathically that we are seeing the same world (the same room, the same basketball, the same car.) But I can't see through your eyes, and you can't see through mine.

We are not meant to be separate beings, and so in truth, we are not. It's a dream, a wispy veil covering our true sight. What we actually are is beyond words, and not of this world. There is no language that can be employed to describe it (us).

The ego is still present in me. The ego is the thought we had that we were suddenly separated from our Creator. We now think that we are each an isolated being, set off one from the other. I can tell the ego to get behind me, as Jesus Christ told Satan (I believe Satan is a symbol for the ego).

The ego does not exist. We invented it when we found we could no longer see our Creator. Invention comes from a sense of lack; but there is no lack. We believe in scarcity. We are confused and frightened. We forgot to laugh when the images (the world) came into our awareness. Then we forgot we are doing this. Now we are convinced that the world is very real, and that it is coming at us rather than from us.

Because we believe we are inside a body, our awareness stuck inside a skull, the world seems to be outside us. There is nothing outside. There is no outside. The world we see is not only in our mind; all the various objects we see are basically pieces of our mind. We each make our own version of a world; when the versions are combined, we think it is all one world. The thoughts we think we are thinking appear as images that we call "the world".

"There is a light in you the world cannot perceive. And with its eyes you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there for you to look upon. It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight...To feel the Love of God within you is to see the world anew, shining in innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love." --A Course In Miracles.

I choose sight.