Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Wonder Behind All There Is

What is this "Something" of which I seem to be unaware, yet Whose presence I feel behind and circling my shoulders as I begin to write? Why do I think I am separate from It? Why am I unaware of what is true?
There seems to be a division here, but how could that be?

" the wonder that lies back of a nut, an egg, or a grain of sand, a healed wound, the demonstration of success, and the glory of an uplifted would appear that a botanist could make a much finer [nut] than nature provides. But he cannot! He can stir up the chemicals that compose it, and mould them into the shape of a nut--but he cannot make it grow. There is something in the nut which he cannot imitate...back of which he cannot go with his analysis. We call it the life-principle."
--Being and Becoming,
by Fenwicke L. Holmes. 1920.

Something in us knows how to breathe when we are otherwise engaged. It grows our nails, assimilates what we eat, cleans our blood. We ignore it, yet we are it. More precisely, it is everything that we are. It sees our illusions, but the difference: It knows they are illusions. We want to make the illusions real, and keep them so. It "...will restore your sanity because insanity is not the Will of God." --A Course In Miracles.

We are dreaming. In simple terms, this Something sits beside us as we sleep, telling us all about Who and What we really are. Imagine someone beloved to you is in a coma. You sit and talk. You explain that the world continues as your beloved sleeps...analogy can only go so far...but we can see the parallel. Our Self speaks to us, tells us we do not actually live encased in flesh, "living" in a world outside us, with other selves, other bodies. We only dream it so. It is important to understand that we are not being dreamed. It is we who dream.

I look around and tell myself everything I see is in my mind. There is nothing outside me. Everything is energy. A Course In Miracles teaches that "God is in everything I see." One always immediately goes to: "God is in a headache?...a murderer?...a rapist...!" No. It means none of those exist. Because if God is all there is, and God is in everything we see, then what we think we are seeing is not there. We are using the power of God (the only power there is) to project images. We project the images, forget we projected them, then react to them as if they are outside us...thus outside our control.

We are doing this. We dreamed we threw truth away, so we had to make our own truth. Truth cannot be thrown away. Look, then, to the simplicity of your inner nature. Not because I say so. These things are not so because I say them. I say them because they are so. Whatever "God" is, "He" is not apart from "us". Our Self teaches us that only perfect love exists. Only God exists. Thus, God must be perfect love. Perfect love is our only reality. Only this.