Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Voice

I listen to the Voice I am convinced I cannot hear. It protects me by knowing for me that there is nothing to be protected from. This Voice is everything I am in truth. It is the true "I". I think I cannot hear the Voice because I believe wrongly that the loud voice (the ego) is real.

The "I" who now types these letters thinks it is a body, or at least in a body, but the body is unreal, nothing but an image designed to hide my sense of fear, and guilt that came from the fear...but the only thing that "came from" anywhere, is God's holy Son. We are God's Son. None is special, meaning none is isolated. The fear was over in the same instant it seemed to come. In our terms, we awoke long ago, and were always home. "I awoke long ago, and went home."

It always seems hard when we bring teaching into practice in The Real World. We want little to do with our lofty beliefs when things are not going well. But what is the point of having them if we cannot use them to help us when we are in turmoil?

I look "out" at the world, and I say, "This is inside my mind. I am doing this." I am doing this is never an accusation. It is a blessing. There is nothing or no one to accuse me except me...this small "I" that thinks it types, and goes to work, and wants things but does not know why. A Course In Miracles says we are not seeing, but making images. We forgot that our mind is very powerful and never stops creating. We have hypnotized ourselves into believing we are each one alone inside a body.

The word, blessing just came into my mind. Remember that there are no opposites. Love as Love is has no opposite...so it is with peace and blessing, and The Whole of God. God is indeed whole, but this does not mean that God is limited. Words cannot define or describe what God actually is. I can and do experience God to my own level of understanding (the little "I"); God is more and more of God Itself. Or Himself, whatever word you prefer. God is Love. This means everything we think we see, never took place...except the love; loving thoughts that transcend our fear as we look out at a dangerous world. But we forgot that we are forming that world. So if it is dangerous it is we who make it so. If we could remember that we are part of God, and allow ourselves to know this is not arrogant, we would awaken and return to Him Who we never could leave.

Yet we have awakened and returned. It is not the Will of God that God's Son be anything other than just that. God's Son. Only this.

Thus the Voice is "heard": Change the way you see the world, and the world you see will change.

All our image-making did nothing. God did not create the world we think we see, but God created His Son, and as His Son, we can imagine as well as create.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Our Peace

We tend to declare that God is all there is without understanding what it means. If God, also known as All That Is (see the Seth books by Jane Roberts) really is all, what does that make us, you and me?

Why do we not know the answer? Why are we stuck in bodies while God is apparently spirit? Why are we not with "Him"? It seems clear to me that if what we call "God" is all there is, then "you" and "I", as separated selves living out tiny days, our bodies in a constant state of decay, rotting until the day we finally cast them off, we must then be illusion.

It is obvious to me that if God is All That Is, then we must be part of "Him". Does God rot, fall apart, fall into dust? Why then, do we? Our physical selves are more important to us than God. We cling desperately to the physical even as we claim to be spiritual. In a spiritual training class years ago, I heard one student make reference to the "real world." In that moment I began to see what I call the great dichotomy: "Oh, yes, I am spiritual, but it is certainly the physical 'real world' that truly matters!"

The world is seen as real, as solid. Spirituality is seen as ephemeral, even if we consider ourselves to be very spiritual. We still come from the point of view of physical first. But who could blame us? This is our focus. We are focused intensely on this thing we call physicality. I see it as looking through a microscope. When one looks through a microscope, one sees the field, and the world outside that tiny field seems to go away. We are focused so intensely on the world, that we forgot we made it up, as our Self, God's Son as God created us. We project these images, forget we projected them, then react to them as if they are assailing us. It is not our nature to focus. We are clearly capable of great focus, but this is because mind is free, and never stops creating.

We want very much to hold onto our individual selves. We want our specialness, our uniqueness. Even as I type these words, I know my ego desires to remain. It only knows to hold on to its existence. It demands to be autonomous. If it can convince me that I am a body, then it has won; if the ego can cause me to be unaware of the crumbling nature of physicality, which it does by keeping my attention toward what it demands is life, then it has me.

But we made the ego. What we make we can unmake. "Make" in this context means to perceive rather than create. In our self-induced hypnosis, we have made up a world and a universe. Everything herein is made to keep our attention away from Who/What we really are. That is why spirituality is seen as an interesting subject, while the physical is given precedence.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that "God" must be the truth of us. The reality behind that word: God, must be perfect love. Not jealousy, not anger, not any of the frailties we humans would place upon "Him", but just love. Is not the whole basis of religion fear? Is that not the bottom line? Religion sees threat everywhere, as does the ego, because if it (ego) can keep us focused on some outside terror, it can maintain its dominance. Can we see that the ego invented religion?

If I am special, does that not mean that the next person is not special? How can I be set apart from you? My specialness precludes yours, and yours precludes mine. Why should you look away from that? We are not separate. Separation is illusion. We see everything backwards. It is spirituality that is real, and the physical unreal. Only the real exists. What we call physical is simple images we cast to keep our awareness away from our reality. We did this spontaneously in our creation because we had a tiny moment of fear. But it is not God's Will, nor ours as His Son, that fear be real. Thus, the world is not real.

There is not God plus Pearl Harbor; there is not God plus 9/11; there is not God plus the awful things done to me when I was small. Perfect love is our reality. Why should we fear that? It is not our nature to be split into untold pieces.

God is All That Is. Therefore, we are part of God. We are God's Son. Our perfect oneness cannot be taken away. Every glance in kindness, every touch without thought for a touch in return; each song written in love; the poetry of the deepest heart...all this and every good in which thrives the awareness that to give is to receive...Herein lies His peace. Our peace.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Peace of the Ages

It begins with the body's eyes closed. The Flow comes in, I can feel it. It does not bring words, I translate what it brings into words. Two weeks ago, in my terms of time, I asked what else it wanted me to say.

The reality is infinitely better than all our many beliefs. But where is this reality? It must be right here, where "we" seem to be. "Look. I am with you always." --Jesus Christ.

There is no anger here. I sense no jealousy, nor vengeance. I am not afraid. I have no sense that I will be kept out of some exclusive club simply because I do not subscribe to certain beliefs. The Flow brings its gift of perfect love, and only this.

I say these things not to change anyone's mind. Our many beliefs form our own version of reality, but they do nothing to the one Reality of Who and What we really are, beneath dreams of separation. We all, each one, are "where" the deeper part of us chose to be.

I say these things because I have felt them since I was very small. Even during the long years of my turning away from them, they remained with me. I trust them. I do not care that I cannot see, I trust them anyway, because I trust their Source. Here is the peace of the ages.

I know I will not be slapped down for my reverence to the Source. I come in the light of my reverence, see not the structure of my altar, but the altar itself. I believe not in mad skies, the bitter doom of a cosmic punisher.

Our ego will not prevail against this peace, as the ego is unreal. The peace is very real. Only what is real exists. The ego is our thought of separation, the body is its home. The whole world is made to support the body, and maintain the dream of our being separate from each other. But we are one. Not simply different "special" versions of one life, but one whole infinite Self; innocent, perfect, holy.

We forgot that we are creators. We forgot that we did not create ourselves. We forgot our Source. We forgot that we are one with our Source. And yet, all is well. All is well because it is not the Will of our Source that anything but perfect peace, perfect love, be ours. We forgot to laugh at simple images, and now we think the images are real. "I am with you always."

Only perfect love exists. Only this. Everything else is make-believe. I seek the peace even as it surges through the body's fingers as they type; I seek it even as it informs my unending trust in it; I seek what has always been mine...been ours, as one.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Sky

The sky was (is) bright, clouds parting as I drifted past. Oh the peace. I mean peace with no opposite. This is the point, you see. There is no opposite to peace as peace is, beneath the ego's shouts to the contrary.

The sky did not ask my religion, nor my politics, nor my nationality. It was simply blue with some clouds. It was silent, and the depth of its silence cannot be expressed with any language. No strings attached.

Reality has no opposite. Joy, love, peace, as they are, simply live forever unopposed, because nothing else exists. Only this.