Friday, February 1, 2013

The Inner World

What I say to you, and what I say about you, must be the same. When we think, we see those thoughts as the inner world. We are convinced that this inner world of thoughts, emotions, beliefs, is different, separate, from the outer world. They are the same. The outer is a projection of the inner. That is why my thoughts and words regarding you, regarding anyone or anything, must be the same. The inner and outer worlds must be reconciled.

The outer world reflects our thoughts, and that is all. Of itself it does nothing. The world that I see, I invented; the world you see, you invented. There is active resistance to this idea, but what we are actually fighting is ourselves,our Self, our true Nature.

This is what the world is, individually, and as a whole. When I look at you, I see not you, but my perception of you. It follows that when you look at me, you are seeing your perception of me. Even as I type these words, I feel the resistance. It is the part of mind that seems to speak as if it were a critic: "Did you forget your keys? you eat now or later? You're so are beautiful, except for that mole..." But there is something else, another voice, another see, words are not adequate. The longer I write, the more I sense it (I no longer fear the word "it"), and the more I sense it, the stronger I become.

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